New York L Lite

We’re pleased to announce the arrival the New York L Lite Bundle. This is a simplified version of the New York L bundle, with a much smaller footprint. For the entire month of December, we are gifting you a free copy of the New York L 1926 Lite. 

New York L 1926 Lite

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Built in 1926 in New York, this piano has been kept in pristine condition. The ivories, hammers, strings and soundboard are all original. This piano lived through the great depression, World War II and the filming of the movie “Cats.” It produces a resonant, growly tone that only age (and a bit of dust) can accomplish. 

New York L 1991 Lite

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This piano was crafted in 1991 in New York and has been meticulously maintained ever since. Recently acquired from a gallery, this piano has been kept in pristine condition.  The piano produces the warm, clean, and even tone that is characteristic of the builder’s exceptional craftsmanship, a true testament to the builder’s dedication to quality and precision.

System Requirements

MacOS 10.13 or greater (Intel or Apple Silicon)
Windows 7 or greater
Disk Space: 150MB


Full vs Lite

Feature Full Lite
Mic Positions 4-5 1
EQ 6 Bands 3 Bands
RAM Controls Yes No
Samples all notes Yes No
Hard Drive Space 8GB 50MB
Reverb Tone Yes No

Hear the Difference

Despite the fact that both of these pianos are the same model and built in the same factory, they sound wildly different from each other. 

The NYL 1926 has a warm and rich tone that fills its cozy space, creating a perfect setting for expressive and intimate solo piano pieces. However, it also has some unique and charming imperfections that add to its personality.

The NYL 1991 has a crisp and clear sound that resonates in its spacious room, producing a sophisticated and elegant piano sound that can stand out and blend in with any mix.


• Full, Resonant, Growly

• Close Omni Mic Perspective

• Small, Intimate Room


• Clean, Precise, Percussive

• Close Omni Mic Perspective

• Spacious, Live Room

About the Pianos

Measuring just shy of 6ft long, the Model L sits right there on the larger end of home pianos, but still considerably shorter than a concert grand. Built in New York, the Model L punches above its weight class for size. 

The Model L combines the elegance and power of a Steinway with the warmth and intimacy of a home instrument. The Model L is a versatile piano that can suit any style and preference, from classical to jazz, from solo to ensemble.

“I’m really liking both pianos. It’s up there with my favs from UVI, Sonic Couture, and the new ones from IK. Looking forward to the release.””The Steinway New York L pianos are beautiful, part of this is the playability which is responsive and feels very natural even on a cheap controller, paired with the sound which is rich and honestly hard to believe that this is achieved with such a small amount of disk space used.” -Jon Wright
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