Name this Plugin Contest

It’s that time again. We have a new plugin just about ready for you guys, but we need a name for this thing, and we need your help finding it.

How To Participate

Just create a comment here with name suggestions. Suggest as many names as you want. That’s all there is to it. The name that gets us most excited is the one we will choose. Whoever suggested the name we choose gets a free copy of the plugin when it is released.

It’s pretty common for the name we choose to be suggested by multiple people (that tends to be the case with good names). In this case, the winner will be the person who had the earliest time stamp. So do not edit your posts after adding a suggestion, because it will change the time stamp. If you have more suggestions, just make it a new comment.

You must have your submissions in by Thursday August 31.

What does this plugin do?

This is a very simple but very handy plugin. With just a single knob (and a couple of buttons) it lets you apply micro delays to your left or right channel. It’s perfect for either correcting or creating very small timing differences between your stereo channels.


Sometimes you need more than just a small delay. Enabling the 10x option increases the maximum delay from 3ms to 30ms for those times when large adjustments are needed.

Mono Check

Micro delays can create phasing issues in your mono mixdown (if you care about that sort of thing). The Mono Check button lets you hear what effect this plugin will have on your mono output to make sure you aren’t doing more damage than good. With just a single button you can check between mono and stereo to make sure you are getting the best sound you can get.

Smooth Adjustments

No clicky delay changes here. As you adjust the delay time, we made sure to keep that delay transition super smooth so you can automate it without having to deal with any clicks that tend to come with changing delay times.